“if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”. The investiture ceremony of IndusChamps School was held 30 July 2019. The Investiture Ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly elected student council.
The council members were elected by direct voting system where the Principal told them about the democratic governance and the voting system.
The event was presided over by the Founder Principal of the school, Mrs Namrata A Jiani. It was commenced with the Saraswati Vandana by the choir members of the school. The student council was conferred with the badges by the Principal.
The student council took the pledge to carry out their duties with integrity, faith and excellence. The Principal congratulated the newly elected student council and admonished them to be sincere and honest in discharging their duties. She advised them to be role models and urged them to take up their responsibilities with commitment and integrity. The ceremony concluded with the National Anthem.