
Foundation of Good Learning begins from Home

Some parents think that once their children are at school, they can relax and let the education system take control. But this is not the case at all. As research shows, parents have an even greater influence on their children’s academic results than the school does. 

Most of a child’s ability to communicate, to relate to teachers and peers and their attitude to learning, is formed from home. Parents can help give their children a head start, by beginning their education at home. 

Many parents don’t realise how they can help their children at home. 

Things as simple as baking a cake with their children can help them with their education. Measuring out ingredients for a cake is a simple form of maths. Identifying the ingredients used and knowing about the scent and texture of different ingredients indirectly teach them different life skills essential for future growth. 

Parents can also help their children with their reading skills by providing them with reading opportunities. Parents can read their children books, signs, magazines – or anything else that interests them. 

Teaching children the alphabet whilst they are young, can also help them with their spelling and reading. 

Parents can also help their children by proving them with some reference books, and any other relevant learning material they might need. 

There are many ways that parents can help their children with their oral communication skills. Some of these include letting their child answer the phone and order food and participate in a family conversation and informal conversation with neighbours so that they can experience all different situations where different types of speech are used. 

It is important to encourage good speech, and parents should do this by using correct speech themselves, and helping their children when they say something incorrectly.

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